Just wanted to give a shout out to the MongoDB (http://www.mongodb.org) folks for the new Aggregation Framework in version 2.2 (which thankfully was officially marked as stable about three weeks ago).
I've been using Mongo to build an ad-hoc reporting (real-time basic statistics with arbitrary filters, etc) app at work, and had previously been using Map Reduce to do realtime data aggregation, much to my pain and anguish. To be fair, Map Reduce was not designed to work in real-time, but I found that it worked well enough on small datasets. When the data numbered in the tens of thousands, however, speed became a real problem.
The nice thing about Map Reduce is that it all takes place in the database. You can just read your results from your target collection when the computation is done. Mechanically, this is a great way to go. But if you simply need your computations to happen in real-time, then you're stuck with bad performance.
Benchmarking (at least for this application) revealed about a five times speed improvement using the Aggregation Framework. This meant that operations on datasets of 10-20K records, doing calculations on 100-200 values (so, getting into the millions of data points) could actually happen in real-time. A late night of code refactoring, and problem solved. [Note: in case you're wondering how to get 'round the 16MB doc size limit for this, I set up "batch processing" of values, so, for example in Ruby: variable_list.each_slice(10){ ... }].
One thing that's quite different about using this new framework, is that the computation happens in the application code (in this case Ruby). The aggregation operations are only being used to extract the data for processing. With Map Reduce, you can write arbitrarily complex functions to operate on your data. With the Aggregation Framework, this has to happen in your application (to be overly simplistic, think of aggregation as the map stage, while the reduce/finalize is done in the client -- at least that's true in our particular circumstance, as we have to operate on the data in ways that the Aggregation Framework itself does not allow). So, no doubt, in a year or two (as our database grows), we will have to look into other mechanisms for optimization. But this is great for now.
I wanted to do a quick demo of the new features, so I turned to my stock price data collection. Basically, I have a script that's been collecting intra-day trading info on the Dow Jones stocks from Yahoo Finance. It's been running about over a year and a half, so there's a lot of data there, and it's quite useful for exercises such as this.
The scripts I used for this demo can be found on github (unfortunately, the data itself is quite large, so I did not include it this time): https://github.com/sqpierce/stocks
Here's a rundown of the components:
- Firstly, there's a script to grab the data (this is being run by cron each minute):
- Second, there's a Ruby script I just wrote to convert all the data files into a single JSON file for importing into Mongo
- Last, here are some basic Aggregation Framework operations, just written in JavaScript and executed via the Mongo shell (for now)
# has been running approx 1.5 yrs every minute while NYSE is open
hour=`date -u +%H`
day=`date -u +%u`
file=$DIR/`date -u +%F`
# Dow Jones stock symbols
# Yahoo finance stock format: http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/yahooquote.html
#symbol, name, last trade date, last trade time, last trade price, dividend yield, P/E ratio, volume, day's value change, previous close
log (){
echo "#("`date -u`")" $1 >>$file
dostock (){
log "file "$file" hour "$hour" day "$day" dir "$DIR
log "using command: curl $url"
curl $url >>$file
# note that $hour throws error when 08 or 09 because interpreted as octal - need to investigate
# just changing to 8 or 9 as string using below doesn't seem to fix problem (or, rather, creates another problem
# hour=`date -u +%H`|sed 's/^0*//'
# doesn't matter as we're using UTC, so those hours are out of range
if (( $hour > 12 && $hour < 23 && $day < 6 ))
RUBY SCRIPT TO MUNGE DATA # utility to munge data into single file for insertion into Mongo
# ruby to_json.rb > stock_data.json 2> to_json.log
require 'csv'
count = 0
Dir.entries(dir).each do |file|
next if file =~ /\./ # skip directories
File.readlines("#{dir}/#{file}").each do |line|
next if line =~ /^\s*#/ # skip comments
break if count > 10 && DEBUG # testing only (read 10 lines)
@fields = CSV.parse(line)[0]
warn @fields.inspect if DEBUG # to STDOUT
time_str = @fields.slice!(2,2).join(' ')
warn time_str if DEBUG
begin # NOTE: some of the data has badly formatted dates
date = DateTime.strptime(time_str, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M%P')
warn date.strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' if DEBUG
secs = date.to_time.to_i * 1000 # NOTE: must convert seconds to milliseconds
warn "#{file} - #{time_str} - #{line}" # prints to STDERR
match = @fields[6].match /([+-]*\d+\.\d+)/
change = match[1].to_f # convert change to float
warn "change: #{@fields[6]} -> #{match.inspect} -> #{change}" if DEBUG
warn "no match for change on: #{line}"
change = nil
# NOTE: $date must be in double quotes
puts "{ symbol: \"#{@fields[0]}\", name: \"#{@fields[1]}\", price: #{@fields[2].to_f}, dividend_yield: #{@fields[3].to_f}, p_e_ratio: #{@fields[4].to_f}, volume: #{@fields[5].to_i}, day_value_change: #{change}, previous_close: #{@fields[7].to_f}, last_trade_time: { \"$date\": #{secs} } }" # json to stdout
break if DEBUG # testing only (quit after first file)
MONGO AGGREGATION JAVASCRIPT // # mongod --nojournal
// # mongoimport --db stocks --collection price --type json --file stock_data.json
// import looks good
> db.price.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505dded4062e11e40afc5c46"), "symbol" : "AXP", "name" : "American Express ", "price" : 44.73, "dividend_yield" : 2.01, "p_e_ratio" : 14.6, "volume" : 500, "day_value_change" : 0, "previous_close" : 44.73, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("2011-01-06T16:00:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505dded4062e11e40afc5c48"), "symbol" : "BAC", "name" : "Bank of America C", "price" : 14.44, "dividend_yield" : 0.28, "p_e_ratio" : 0, "volume" : 2942961, "day_value_change" : 0, "previous_close" : 14.44, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("2011-01-06T16:02:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505dded4062e11e40afc5c49"), "symbol" : "BA", "name" : "Boeing Company (T", "price" : 68.8, "dividend_yield" : 2.44, "p_e_ratio" : 14.9, "volume" : 2810, "day_value_change" : 0, "previous_close" : 68.8, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("2011-01-06T16:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505dded4062e11e40afc5c4a"), "symbol" : "CAT", "name" : "Caterpillar, Inc.", "price" : 93.54, "dividend_yield" : 1.84, "p_e_ratio" : 30.74, "volume" : 2100, "day_value_change" : 0, "previous_close" : 93.54, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("2011-01-06T16:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505dded4062e11e40afc5c4b"), "symbol" : "CVX", "name" : "Chevron Corporati", "price" : 90.69, "dividend_yield" : 3.13, "p_e_ratio" : 10.84, "volume" : 100, "day_value_change" : 0, "previous_close" : 90.69, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("2011-01-06T16:00:00Z") }
// list symbols
> db.price.aggregate({"$group": {_id: 0, symbols: {"$addToSet": "$symbol"}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : 0,
"symbols" : [
"ok" : 1
> db.price.ensureIndex({symbol:1})
> db.price.aggregate({"$project": {symbol: 1}}, {"$group": {_id: 0, symbols: {"$addToSet": "$symbol"}}});
//neither the index nor the project tag sped up this query (more or less the same)
> db.price.aggregate({"$project": {symbol: 1}}, {"$group": {_id: "$symbol", counts: {"$sum": 1}}});
// list counts per symbol in whole collection
> db.price_from_csv.aggregate({"$project": {symbol: 1}}, {"$group": {_id: "$symbol", counts: {"$sum": 1}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : "WMT",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "UTX",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "DD",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "AXP",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "TRV",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "PFE",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "MRK",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "MCD",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "KFT",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "VZ",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "XOM",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "JPM",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "INTC",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "IBM",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "AA",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "HD",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "MSFT",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "T",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "DIS",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "BAC",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "CSCO",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "HPQ",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "MMM",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "CVX",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "CAT",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "KO",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "PG",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "GE",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "JNJ",
"counts" : 263888
"_id" : "BA",
"counts" : 262690
"ok" : 1
// list counts per year for a symbol (obviously some bad dates got into the mix, interesting)
> db.price.aggregate({"$match": {symbol: "BA"}}, {"$project": {last_trade_time: 1}}, {"$group": {_id: {"$year": "$last_trade_time"}, count: {"$sum": 1}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : 2012,
"count" : 111276
"_id" : 1970,
"count" : 2
"_id" : 2011,
"count" : 151412
"ok" : 1
// time for an index
> db.price.ensureIndex({last_trade_time:1})
// same again for all
> db.price.aggregate({"$project": {symbol: 1, last_trade_time: 1}}, {"$group": {_id: {"$year": "$last_trade_time"}, count: {"$sum": 1}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : 2012,
"count" : 3338278
"_id" : 1970,
"count" : 48
"_id" : 2011,
"count" : 4577116
"ok" : 1
// look for the bad rows (1970)
> db.price.find({ last_trade_time: {"$lt":ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")} })
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa6062e11e40a032916"), "symbol" : "MMM", "name" : "ompany Common Sto", "price" : 223658800, "dividend_yield" : 2.56, "p_e_ratio" : 43.21, "volume" : 3498040, "day_value_change" : 90.69, "previous_close" : 90.75, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa6062e11e40a032934"), "symbol" : "MMM", "name" : "ompany Common Sto", "price" : 223658800, "dividend_yield" : 2.56, "p_e_ratio" : 43.21, "volume" : 3498040, "day_value_change" : 90.69, "previous_close" : 90.75, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d7d"), "symbol" : "T", "name" : " Inc.", "price" : 223837152, "dividend_yield" : 21, "p_e_ratio" : 16.86, "volume" : 25700700, "day_value_change" : 28.43, "previous_close" : 28.5, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d7f"), "symbol" : "BA", "name" : "ng Company (The) ", "price" : 223842096, "dividend_yield" : 3.18, "p_e_ratio" : 43.25, "volume" : 5961360, "day_value_change" : 72.46, "previous_close" : 72.66, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d84"), "symbol" : "DIS", "name" : " Disney Company (", "price" : 223834224, "dividend_yield" : 2.12, "p_e_ratio" : 108.7, "volume" : 10490500, "day_value_change" : 43.38, "previous_close" : 43.48, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d85"), "symbol" : "DD", "name" : " du Pont de Nemou", "price" : 223828288, "dividend_yield" : 4.14, "p_e_ratio" : 44.41, "volume" : 6414850, "day_value_change" : 54.52, "previous_close" : 54.62, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d86"), "symbol" : "XOM", "name" : "n Mobil Corporati", "price" : 223838976, "dividend_yield" : 2.54, "p_e_ratio" : 47.39, "volume" : 20538500, "day_value_change" : 82.65, "previous_close" : 83.41, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d88"), "symbol" : "HPQ", "name" : "ett-Packard Compa", "price" : 223828416, "dividend_yield" : 1.35, "p_e_ratio" : 152.53, "volume" : 17942300, "day_value_change" : 48.52, "previous_close" : 48.81, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d89"), "symbol" : "HD", "name" : " Depot, Inc. (The", "price" : 223840032, "dividend_yield" : 6.81, "p_e_ratio" : 39.36, "volume" : 11546200, "day_value_change" : 37.1, "previous_close" : 37.155, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d8b"), "symbol" : "INTC", "name" : "l Corporation", "price" : 223838720, "dividend_yield" : 13.8, "p_e_ratio" : 33.24, "volume" : 54533600, "day_value_change" : 21.73, "previous_close" : 21.77, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d93"), "symbol" : "PG", "name" : "ter & Gamble Comp", "price" : 223838448, "dividend_yield" : 4.6, "p_e_ratio" : 33.65, "volume" : 10235700, "day_value_change" : 64.71, "previous_close" : 64.88, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:01:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d80"), "symbol" : "CAT", "name" : "rpillar, Inc. Com", "price" : 223833680, "dividend_yield" : 1.68, "p_e_ratio" : 59.05, "volume" : 5715380, "day_value_change" : 102.38, "previous_close" : 102.75, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:02:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d82"), "symbol" : "KO", "name" : "-Cola Company (Th", "price" : 223835840, "dividend_yield" : 4.35, "p_e_ratio" : 36.17, "volume" : 9558050, "day_value_change" : 63.47, "previous_close" : 63.66, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:02:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d8c"), "symbol" : "JNJ", "name" : "son & Johnson Com", "price" : 223829632, "dividend_yield" : 5.66, "p_e_ratio" : 28.99, "volume" : 10984400, "day_value_change" : 60.9, "previous_close" : 61.16, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:02:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033da0"), "symbol" : "KO", "name" : "-Cola Company (Th", "price" : 223835840, "dividend_yield" : 4.35, "p_e_ratio" : 36.17, "volume" : 9558050, "day_value_change" : 63.47, "previous_close" : 63.66, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:02:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d95"), "symbol" : "UTX", "name" : "ed Technologies C", "price" : 223840112, "dividend_yield" : 2.36, "p_e_ratio" : 50.08, "volume" : 3661150, "day_value_change" : 85.1, "previous_close" : 85.13, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:03:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d81"), "symbol" : "CVX", "name" : "ron Corporation C", "price" : 223829360, "dividend_yield" : 3.02, "p_e_ratio" : 34.21, "volume" : 7859110, "day_value_change" : 96.4, "previous_close" : 97.17, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:04:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d7b"), "symbol" : "AA", "name" : "a Inc. Common Sto", "price" : 223827792, "dividend_yield" : 4.03, "p_e_ratio" : 144.92, "volume" : 28247700, "day_value_change" : 17.22, "previous_close" : 17.39, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:06:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ddfa7062e11e40a033d90"), "symbol" : "MRK", "name" : "k & Company, Inc.", "price" : 223836448, "dividend_yield" : 13.91, "p_e_ratio" : 21.77, "volume" : 18065100, "day_value_change" : 33.02, "previous_close" : 33.085, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T19:06:00Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("505de199062e11e40a210d32"), "symbol" : "MMM", "name" : "ompany Common Sto", "price" : 505544928, "dividend_yield" : 2.56, "p_e_ratio" : 42.99, "volume" : 3294730, "day_value_change" : 92.32, "previous_close" : 92.43, "last_trade_time" : ISODate("1970-01-01T20:01:00Z") }
> db.price.remove({ last_trade_time: {"$lt":ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")} })
// multi-key group and sort
> db.price.aggregate({"$project": {symbol: 1, last_trade_time: 1}}, {"$group": {_id: {symbol: "$symbol", year: {"$year": "$last_trade_time"}}, count: {"$sum":1}}}, {"$sort": {_id: 1}});
"result" : [
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "AA",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "AA",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "AXP",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "AXP",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "BA",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 151412
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "BA",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "BAC",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "BAC",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "CAT",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "CAT",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "CSCO",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152612
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "CSCO",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "CVX",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "CVX",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "DD",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "DD",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "DIS",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "DIS",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "GE",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "GE",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "HD",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "HD",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "HPQ",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "HPQ",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "IBM",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "IBM",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "INTC",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "INTC",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "JNJ",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "JNJ",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "JPM",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "JPM",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "KFT",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "KFT",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "KO",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152609
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "KO",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MCD",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MCD",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MMM",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MMM",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111275
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MRK",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MRK",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MSFT",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "MSFT",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "PFE",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "PFE",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "PG",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "PG",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "T",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "T",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "TRV",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "TRV",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "UTX",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "UTX",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "VZ",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152612
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "VZ",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111275
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "WMT",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152611
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "WMT",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "XOM",
"year" : 2011
"count" : 152610
"_id" : {
"symbol" : "XOM",
"year" : 2012
"count" : 111276
"ok" : 1
// using match (2012 only)
> db.price.aggregate({"$match": {last_trade_time: {"$gte":ISODate("2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")}}}, {"$group": {_id: "$symbol", count: {"$sum": 1}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : "MMM",
"count" : 111275
"_id" : "UTX",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "DD",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "AXP",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "TRV",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "PFE",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "MRK",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "MCD",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "KFT",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "VZ",
"count" : 111275
"_id" : "XOM",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "JPM",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "INTC",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "IBM",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "AA",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "HD",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "MSFT",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "BAC",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "CSCO",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "T",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "DIS",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "HPQ",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "WMT",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "PG",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "GE",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "JNJ",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "CVX",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "CAT",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "KO",
"count" : 111276
"_id" : "BA",
"count" : 111276
"ok" : 1
// here's one that's actually a bit useful: Bank of America high/low/average price by week in 2012
> db.price.aggregate({"$match": {last_trade_time: {"$gte":ISODate("2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")}, symbol: "BA"}}, {"$group": {_id: {"$week":"$last_trade_time"}, high: {"$max": "$price"}, low: {"$min": "$price"}, avg: {"$avg": "$price"}}}, {"$sort":{_id:1}});
"result" : [
"_id" : 1,
"high" : 74.98,
"low" : 72.79,
"avg" : 73.99888326980202
"_id" : 2,
"high" : 75.68,
"low" : 74.17,
"avg" : 74.78443128234832
"_id" : 3,
"high" : 75.981,
"low" : 74.83,
"avg" : 75.4167605833319
"_id" : 4,
"high" : 76.312,
"low" : 72.96,
"avg" : 75.23588637120919
"_id" : 5,
"high" : 76.73,
"low" : 73.69,
"avg" : 75.07820737403995
"_id" : 6,
"high" : 75.9,
"low" : 74.325,
"avg" : 75.17866743023808
"_id" : 7,
"high" : 75.96,
"low" : 74.78,
"avg" : 75.24222214802415
"_id" : 8,
"high" : 76.636,
"low" : 75.09,
"avg" : 75.92514222592771
"_id" : 9,
"high" : 75.76,
"low" : 74.661,
"avg" : 75.09111806064543
"_id" : 10,
"high" : 74.9501,
"low" : 72.3,
"avg" : 73.6226790136067
"_id" : 11,
"high" : 75.79,
"low" : 73.2,
"avg" : 74.7180465488498
"_id" : 12,
"high" : 75.68,
"low" : 73.39,
"avg" : 74.69681463821372
"_id" : 13,
"high" : 75.27,
"low" : 73,
"avg" : 74.48685070187024
"_id" : 14,
"high" : 75.4645,
"low" : 73.3,
"avg" : 74.13860771929662
"_id" : 15,
"high" : 73.77,
"low" : 70.6,
"avg" : 72.4210965729701
"_id" : 16,
"high" : 74.36,
"low" : 72.325,
"avg" : 73.49481252923461
"_id" : 17,
"high" : 77.54,
"low" : 72.17,
"avg" : 75.31753740765522
"_id" : 18,
"high" : 77.82,
"low" : 75.52,
"avg" : 76.7284854496451
"_id" : 19,
"high" : 76.04,
"low" : 73.28,
"avg" : 74.55083031416956
"_id" : 20,
"high" : 73.76,
"low" : 68.94,
"avg" : 71.73182498332316
"_id" : 21,
"high" : 72.18,
"low" : 69.67,
"avg" : 70.88400550458809
"_id" : 22,
"high" : 70.4825,
"low" : 67.1999,
"avg" : 69.18734449999921
"_id" : 23,
"high" : 70.3,
"low" : 66.84,
"avg" : 68.64987898599199
"_id" : 24,
"high" : 72.79,
"low" : 69.84,
"avg" : 71.68434567901214
"_id" : 25,
"high" : 73.59,
"low" : 71.1,
"avg" : 72.26916556666535
"_id" : 26,
"high" : 74.36,
"low" : 70.5,
"avg" : 71.82509259752993
"_id" : 27,
"high" : 74.74,
"low" : 72.5,
"avg" : 73.90557605868787
"_id" : 28,
"high" : 75.02,
"low" : 70.92,
"avg" : 72.89437934022011
"_id" : 29,
"high" : 75.07,
"low" : 72.0631,
"avg" : 73.68273189856532
"_id" : 30,
"high" : 75.93,
"low" : 71.37,
"avg" : 73.76041403333438
"_id" : 31,
"high" : 75.55,
"low" : 71.23,
"avg" : 73.37943595468138
"_id" : 32,
"high" : 74.69,
"low" : 72.72,
"avg" : 74.03845807204802
"_id" : 33,
"high" : 74.43,
"low" : 72.76,
"avg" : 73.7013437333349
"_id" : 34,
"high" : 74.325,
"low" : 70.04,
"avg" : 72.34569156666593
"_id" : 35,
"high" : 71.95,
"low" : 70.53,
"avg" : 71.3327890464269
"_id" : 36,
"high" : 73.25,
"low" : 70.4199,
"avg" : 71.99506040016878
"_id" : 37,
"high" : 72.39,
"low" : 70.4651,
"avg" : 71.27986476666649
"_id" : 38,
"high" : 70.7,
"low" : 69.04,
"avg" : 69.96584609175824
"ok" : 1
// use sorting to find extremes
// high by week
> db.price.aggregate({"$match": {last_trade_time: {"$gte":ISODate("2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")}, symbol: "BA"}}, {"$group": {_id: {"$week":"$last_trade_time"}, high: {"$max": "$price"}, low: {"$min": "$price"}, avg: {"$avg": "$price"}}}, {"$sort":{high:-1}}, {"$group": {_id: 0, high: {"$first":"$high"}, week: {"$first": "$_id"}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : 0,
"high" : 77.82,
"week" : 18
"ok" : 1
// low by week
> db.price.aggregate({"$match": {last_trade_time: {"$gte":ISODate("2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")}, symbol: "BA"}}, {"$group": {_id: {"$week":"$last_trade_time"}, high: {"$max": "$price"}, low: {"$min": "$price"}, avg: {"$avg": "$price"}}}, {"$sort":{low:1}}, {"$group": {_id: 0, low: {"$first":"$low"}, week: {"$first": "$_id"}}});
"result" : [
"_id" : 0,
"low" : 66.84,
"week" : 23
"ok" : 1
CONCLUSIONEach element in the aggregation pipeline is a further transformation of the data. At each stage's output, documents are passed into the next stage's input.
Obviously, there are probably many more interesting queries one could concoct, but hopefully this gives a reasonable overview of the concept of using the new Aggregation Framework.
I hope this is helpful to anyone looking at playing around with Mongo in general, or the Aggregation Framework in particular.
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